Concrete Evidence: The Benefits Of Choosing A Concrete Septic Tank For Your Farm's Sewage System

Dealing with sewage, both human and animal in origin, can be one of the most challenging parts of running a farm, especially given the isolated locations of many farms that limit their ability to use centralised sewer systems. Consequently, farms across the country use septic tank systems to store and process their waste, and when chosen correctly a septic tank can give a farm many years of reliable, efficient service.

Choosing the right septic tank means choosing one made from suitable materials, and tanks can be made from a wide variety of materials ranging from fibreglass to galvanised steel. However, concrete is one of the most versatile and practical septic tank materials around, and while it might not be particularly modern in design, choosing a concrete septic tank can benefit your farm in a number of ways:


As you can imagine, a septic tank built of concrete is enormously durable, and even a small and relatively inexpensive concrete tank can be expected to provide decades of reliable service. Unlike steel tanks, they are not vulnerable to rust, and they do not degrade over time as quickly as most plastic or fibreglass tanks.

Low maintenance

Besides their ordinary emptying and de-sludging cycles, concrete tanks are very low maintenance, as they do not have protective internal liners that need to be periodically replaced.

Load-bearing strength

One of the unique advantages of choosing a concrete septic tank is its enormous load-bearing strength, which is particularly useful when it comes to farming applications. A concrete septic tank can safely be buried under a major thoroughfare on your farm without worries about it being crushed by the weight of heavy farm vehicles passing overhead. Concrete's resistance to crushing forces also makes concrete tanks highly resistant to shifting and expanding soils.


Some tanks made of lighter materials, such as fibreglass or plastic, are prone to shifting and 'floating' when the water table of the soil around them rises; this can cause problems with leaks and tank damage, and is a particularly common occurrence on crop farms due to the large amounts of water that the soil absorbs. The weight and heft of a sturdy concrete tank guards against this shifting, and you can rest assured that your concrete septic tank will not move an inch even during the wettest parts of the growing season.


Pre-cast concrete septic tanks can be bought 'off-the-shelf', but they can also be created on-site to a size and shape that you specify. This is useful if you need to fit a septic tank into a limited space.

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About Me

Modern Farming To Make Life Easier There is a lot more to life on the farm than rounding up chook eggs and bringing the cows in for milking. My family have been farmers for four generations, and my dad is starting to pass tips and advice to me. I am excited about learning how to run a farm of my own one day, especially with all the changes in modern farming which make life easier. My blog posts are all about the advice and hands-on experience I am receiving on my family's farm. I will also look at the different types of farming equipment now available. My posts will appeal to both wannabe farmers and those who just have a hobbiest interest in agriculture.


